Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Safey and Security Director , Syria Response

Employer: Save the Children, Antakya, Turkey

Applications opened: 21 Oct 2013 | Close: 05

Nov 2013

Duration: 12 months

Location: Antakya, Turkey, with travel into Syria

(depending on security)


The Safety and Security Director will work closely

with the Emergency Team and the Regional

Security Director to carry out safety and security

assessments; make recommendations and

provide support for their implementation by

Emergency Response.

The Safety and Security Director will facilitate the

implementation of Save the Children's Safety and

Security Policy and Standards within the

Emergency Response and help drive systemic

change in the quality of safety and security

management and contribute to building country

compliance with safety and security Minimum

Standards. He/She will also take forward the

organisational security ethos.

The post holder will play a key role in the capacity

building of Safety & Security Focal Points.

The Safety and Security Director will be expected

to undertake a leadership role in an emergency

and support the team leaders and team at a

senior level.

Key Areas of Accountability:

Engage Emergency Response management and

staff as well as staff at all levels to facilitate the

adoption and compliance with the Save the

Children's Safety and Security Policy and


Undertake Security Risk Assessments for

emergency response

Participate in formal or informal NGO security

networks/forums in the area to share information

with other NGOs, and gain access to security

analyses (if available), support the functioning of

this forum.

In-depth analysis for Emergency Response,

Regional Response Team and Save the Children


Undertake and manage implementation and

compliance with Save the Children's Safety and

Security Policy and Standards

Develop and deliver capacity building in safety

and security management for managers and

safety and security training for staff.

Provide safety security management advice,

guidance and support to the Emergency Team.

Assist in the evaluation and implementation of

actions to reduce risk across Global Programmes

Provide technical assistance and guidance to the

Emergency Response in implementing action

plans based on regional security specialist

assessments and recommendations.

Assess and evaluate country/programme security

guidelines and make recommendations for

improvements using the Standards in the Save

the Children Policy and Standards for security

management plans, evacuation contingency

plans and standard operating procedures.

Promote the concept that safety and security

plans and guidelines should be jointly developed

by the whole team to create ownership and

encourage compliance.

Promote the concept that safety and security is

an integral element of programme design and

operations and should be amongst the first

planning considerations.

Promote the need for each programme to appoint

a safety & security focal point (SSFP) reporting to

the SMT and advice on the minimum training

standards for each officer dependent upon the

country level of insecurity. The Manager will play

a key role in building the capacity of each SFP

consistent with the assessed need for each


Promote th e need for each country programme

to have safety and security as a standing agenda

item on the SMT and to form a core Crisis

Management Team.

Proactively be engaged in budgeting, Feed in to

budget and proposal development. Make sure all

programmes have adequate funding for security,

and approach donors as required. Sign off

proposals as part of the Go/No Go process.

Qualifications and Experience:


Expertise in current safety and security practices

and issues affecting aid work globally.

Fluent in English (written and spoken).

Significant experience of NGO security


Proven experience and understanding of

humanitarian operations and understanding of

programming in an emergency.

Good interpersonal skills with the ability to

communicate at all levels, establish information

and security networks, and coordinate with

country authorities, militias, donors, International

Organisations and local NGOs.

Experience of working in hostile environments.

Self motivated with the ability to work

autonomously in a highly stressful and

challenging environment.

Proven training of trainers skills and proven

experience of training multi-national staff

Ability to formulate and communicate analysis of

a changing security environment.

Proven skills in concise and succinct report


Ability to prioritise security related tasks and

complete reports to deadlines.

Strong leadership skills and proven skills in

managing a team in hostile environments

Proven knowledge of MS office applications and IT

literacy and capacity to learn and use other


Commitment to the aims and principles of Save

the Children. In particular, a good understanding

of the Save the Children mandate and child focus

and an ability to ensure this continues to

underpin all aspects of the job. Commitment to

Save the Children Child Safeguarding policy.


Operational experience in post war / disaster

affected environments with NGO, Military or police


Operational programming experience.

Experience living and working in Syria or

neighbouring countries

Fluent in Arabic

How to apply:

Please apply with a covering letter and up-to-date

CV to:


Please note that the closing date for applications

is 5th November 2013.

Due to the urgency of the role applications might

be considered before the closing date.

For further information on this role, please see the

website at www.savethechildren.net/jobs