Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
1. Investigate potential or alleged cases of fraud, bribery, corruption or serious misconduct within the company, as assigned by line manager.
2. Maintain awareness of international and company standards for fraud investigation, and conduct investigations in accordance with international and company standards.
3. Plan and manage own time and activities to handle cases according to relative priority/urgency set by line manager.
4. Develop and maintain confidential and trustworthy relationships with sources and whistle-blowers referred by Ethics & Compliance.
5. Plan and conduct research to gather evidence efficiently for each case; gather, comprehend and analyze financial, contractual, IT/data and other relevant records pertinent to the case.
7. Interview witnesses and suspects professionally and objectively, across KSA.
8. Prepare investigation reports for review and approval by line manager, including clearly recording evidence, describing findings, and recommending appropriate actions.
9. Participate in delivering fraud workshops to staff, in collaboration with Ethics & Compliance.
10. Perform other related tasks assigned by direct line manager
• Five years’ experience as an investigator in the areas of financial fraud, contracts and procurements, fraud & corruption and bribery.
• Bachelor’s degree in Law, Finance, or a closely-related discipline
• Full and current Certified Fraud Examiner certification