The Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic
Security (DS) is seeking highly qualified and
motivated men and women with extensive
experience in protective security operations to
serve in the Foreign Service at certain U.S.
embassies, consulates and regional offices
This workforce will be deployed to Afghanistan,
Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and North and South
Sudan and other high threat posts to supplement
DS Special Agents in the supervision of contractor
personnel and the provision of personal protection
for Department employees. As members of a
diplomatic team, Security Protective Specialists
not only help to accomplish the mission of the
Department of State, but also represent the
SPSs will work in tandem with DS Special Agents
to ensure that a DS SPS or SA is always present
and involved with every protective motorcade
element. The SPS or SA may act as the Detail
Leader and may supervise other DS or contractor
Security Protective Specialists will receive Limited
Non-Career Appointments. Appointments may be
extended annually up to a total of five years of
service. Extensions beyond five years are not
permitted. Federal retirement benefits accrue
during time spent as a DS Security Protective
Specialist. SPS will receive annual in-grade salary
increases (step increases). Promotion will be in
accordance with the following schedule:
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