Saturday, October 26, 2013

Crowdfunding Gaining Momentum in North Carolina - iFanKind

Crowdfunding as a method of financing start-ups and small business projects and services is gaining momentum in North Carolina and across the nation. A current example is Triangle based startup iFanKind, which has a very interesting new model for generating charitable contributions from corporations using a team effort between consumers, celebrities, and corporations. iFanKind is currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo called the "More Than 6 Movement" to fund the concept and get it operational.

Founder Ken Williams tells us that today only about 6% of all charitable contributions come from corporations, and his goal is to dramatically increase that number.

This is a great example of how North Carolina companies can use crowdfunding for new products ideas and services under current laws. Once investment crowdfunding is in place, companies like iFanKind will also be able to offer stocks and loan agreements among the perks of their campaigns. This will allow supporters to participate in the long term success of these new ventures.

If you are interested in the future of small business financing, please visit the iFanKind campaign for a fine example of how this can work.
 Support the North Carolina JOBS Act of 2014:

If you have not yet done so, now is the time to contact your state Senators with an email of your support for NC JOBS. It is very easy to do using the links we give below.
If you have any questions or comments, please email the JOBS NC Crowdfunding Team at or contact Representative Murry’s office at