Georgetown University’s Center for New Designs in Learning in Scholarship (CNDLS) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position to support CNDLS’ Doyle Faculty Fellows program and the Apprenticeship in Teaching program. The position is 3/4-time. The successful candidate might supplement this appointment with an adjunct teaching appointment (no more than one course per semester) at Georgetown, but this depends on the qualifications of the candidate and the needs of the university. We will begin reviewing applications on August 10, and will consider applications until the position is filled.
This 75% time position has a one-year term with potential for one renewal. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. (open field), university teaching (or TA) experience, and a demonstrated enthusiasm for issues of pedagogical practice. The successful candidate will also have excellent writing, communication, research, and organizational skills as well as the ability to work well independently and collaboratively. Experience with and interest in program assessment and evaluation a plus.
Responsibilities include supporting faculty in course redesign and assessment, developing and facilitating workshops for graduate students on curricular design and teaching practice, reading and assessing graduate student teaching tasks (e.g., syllabi and teaching philosophy statements), researching best practices in higher ed pedagogy, writing documents related to the work of the programs, and assisting with program administration and strategic planning.
The postdoctoral fellow can expect professional development in a collaborative environment and would gain significant experience in the area of faculty development. He or she will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of academic and institutional departments.
Those interested in the position should submit a CV, a letter of application, and names and contact information of three references to John Rakestraw, CNDLS Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogical Practice (