Monday, June 24, 2013

Postdoctoral Fellowship @ University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Editor's note: This post has been updated, the original contact email was incorrect.

Call for Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications 2013/2014

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg is a research intensive university ranked in the top 250 global universities (  It is the home of 15 NRF A-rated researchers and six Centres of Excellence.  Situated in the financial heartland of South Africa and indeed Africa, the University is both cosmopolitan and vibrant.  It offers excellent opportunities for Postdoctoral Research Fellows to undertake cutting edge research.  The AW Mellon Foundation has kindly agreed to support up to seven Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the Faculty of Humanities at Wits during 2013/2014/2015.  The Fellowships are open to all candidates who have completed their PhD degrees in 2008 or before.

The selection of candidates will be based upon the merit of the proposal submitted and the strength of their CVs.
Areas of Research: Any research in the general field of humanities and social science will be considered.  The candidate will need to slot into one of the following Schools[1]Arts; Education; Human and Community Development; Literature, Language and Media; Social Sciences and the Law.

Application Requirements

·         Certified copy of your PhD certificate
·         Certified copy of identity document (for South Africans) or passport
·         Research proposal of no more than five A4 pages under the following headings
o   Title
o   Abstract
o   Research question
o   Brief literature review
o   Proposed methodologies
o   Expected outputs
·         Curriculum Vitae including current research outputs:
Please supply a publication list.  Full references (i.e. authors, title, year, and name of journal/publisher, volume and page numbers) must be given. Conference proceedings, technical reports, patents, etc, should also be reported.

Value of the Fellowship

R10 = $1 US
The value of the Fellowship is R 180 0000 per annum tax free which is sufficient to cover living expenses including accommodation costs. Also included in the Fellowship are contributions towards
·        Research costs – R 20 000,
·        Medical insurance - R 15 720,
·        Once-off relocation costs - R 10 000.

Period of the Fellowship

The period of the Postdoctoral Fellowship is two years renewable annually depending on the candidate’s research performance.

Submission of documents should be directed to:
Contact person: Mpho Maithufi
Closing date: 12 July 2013
NB: No late applications will be considered.

[1] Interested candidates can read more about the breadth of activities of these Schools at