Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Congressman Patrick McHenry Supports the NC JOBS Act of 2013

Congressman Patrick McHenry is an innovative leader and respected investment crowdfunding expert who represents the 10th Congressional District in western North Carolina. Congressman McHenry was the original and lead sponsor of the federal JOBS Act which received biparisan support and was signed into law by the President last year. He expressed his support for the North Carolina JOBS Act on a facebook post on April 30th.

The Congressman wrote:

"New crowdfunding legislation will pave the way for startups and entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and fuel job creation around the country. While the SEC has delayed implementation of crowdfunding rules at the federal level, I applaud North Carolina leaders such as Tom Murry for taking the initiative of offering crowdfunding across the state. From small craft breweries in Asheville to high-tech startups in RTP, crowdfunding offers a new source of capital to entrepreneurs chasing the American Dream."

Support the North Carolina JOBS Act of 2013:
If you have any questions or comments, please email the JOBS NC Crowdfunding Team at or contact Representative Murry’s office at