Tuesday, April 30, 2013

US House Intern Vacancy List -- April 29th, 2013

House Vacancy Announcement and Placement Service (HVAPS)B-235 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-226-5836 Vacancy Bulletins are available for pick-up in Longworth HOB - B-227 (CAO First Call Customer Service Center) or in the CAO Human Resources Office - Ford HOB 102. To Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the Vacancy Listserv visit: http://www.house.gov/content/jobs/ Job Line: 202-226-4504_____________________________________________________________________________________ INTERNSHIP VACANCY LISTINGWeek of April 29, 2013 MEM-203-13The Washington, D.C. office of Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (NY-25) is seeking a press intern to work with Congresswoman Slaughter’s communications team. The press intern will work directly with the Press Secretary and Speechwriter & Director of Online Communications to carryout responsibilities including - but not limited to - creating graphics, developing press lists, collecting and distributing press clips, drafting releases and social media content, and contacting reporters. While the position is unpaid, the office will work with universities to accommodate applicants wishing to earn academic credit. First-hand experience in the congressional office will provide a unique opportunity into the functions of a fast-paced Democratic Congressional office. It will also offer a unique insight into legislative and parliamentary procedure, as Congresswoman Slaughter is Ranking Member of the Committee on Rules. The Rules Committee determines the parameters of debate for all major legislation before it can be considered on the House Floor, including which amendments can be offered. The 1 ideal applicant will have strong graphic design skills. Applicants should e-mail a cover letter, resume, and a one to three page writing sample to Jack Spasiano at NY25.InternApplications@mail.house.gov. Please do not hesitate to contact Jack at 202-225-3615 with any questions. MEM-202-13Conservative Republican House Member looking for a law-student or graduatestudent intern to fill in for Legislative Counsel on maternity leave this summer. Student will have the opportunity to shadow Legislative Counsel in June and will serve as acting-Legislative Counsel during July and August. This would be a full-time position this Summer, with the possibility to intern part-time in the Fall as well. Office is extremely fast-paced and looking for someone who is hard-working, detail-oriented, a quick-learner, and fun to work with. Portfolio will include Oversight & Government Reform Committee legislative work, with a focus on energy policy, as well as transportation, agriculture, and religious/social issues. Responsibilities will include representing Member in meetings with constituents and advocacy organizations, developing legislative initiatives, tracking legislation, writing briefing materials, drafting floor statements and talking points. This is an excellent opportunity to get hands-on legislative experience as a student, not just answering phones and giving tours. Legislative experience, especially Hill experience (as staff or intern) is a plus. Oklahoma ties are also a plus, but not required. With the subject line “Legislative Intern” -- please send resume, writing sample, and references to ashley.troy@mail.house.gov MEM-201-13Senior Democratic Member of Congress seeks an energetic, organized, creative, (full-time or part-time) Unpaid Intern to work in the District Office. Intern responsibilities include answering phones, composing daily news summaries, and researching various issues relevant to the District of Columbia, note constituent opinions, including their full names, addresses, and all relevant information as well as perform other duties as assigned by the Intern Supervisor. A successful Intern will be a creative, motivated person who is eager to learn. Please send a resume, cover letter, a writing sample and a letter or recommendation to Mautez.Lovett@mail.house.gov MEM-199-13Congressman Albio Sires is seeking a full or part-time intern. Intern duties include: answering phones, greeting constituents, attending briefings, writing letters, and researching policy. This is an unpaid internship. Interested applicants should fax a resume and cover letter indicating availability to: (202) 226-0792, attention: Judi Wolford. MEM-198-13The Office of Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) is seeking a full-time or part-time press and social media intern for the summer of 2013 in her Washington, D.C. office. Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to compiling press clips, monitoring daily news, drafting talking points and press releases, updating social media and working closely with the communications director. The ideal candidate will have previous experience in public relations or journalism; possess strong written communications skills, ability to work in a fast-paced environment, and professional manner. Please note that the internship is unpaid and housing is not provided, but student can qualify for academic credit depending on the requirements of the college or university. Interested applicants should e-mail a cover letter, resume, short writing sample (in the form of a speech or press release) and dates of availability with "Press Intern Summer 2013" in the subject line to latoya.veal@mail.house.gov. No phone calls or drop-ins please. MEM-197-13The Office of Congressman Juan Vargas (D-CA-51) is seeking a highly motivated intern to join his Washington, DC office for an unpaid internship during summer break (part and full-time applicants should apply). Candidates should be organized, professional, quick learners, and team players. Main responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assisting staff with legislative, administrative, and press related projects, writing memos and talking points, attending hearings and meetings, answering constituent phone calls, leading tours of the US Capitol, assisting with scheduling, sorting and distributing mail, and managing tour and flag requests. Candidates with California ties and previous internship/work experience are strongly encouraged to apply. To submit your application, please visit: https://vargas.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application. The deadline for your summer internship application is May 24th, 2013