Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Senior Keeper Birds

Senior Keeper Birds

Bristol Zoo Gardens has a vacancy for a Senior Keeper working on the Bird Section.
The successful applicant will be an experienced bird keeper and will have at least three years experience of working with a variety of avian species. Having some practical knowledge of artificial incubation and the hand rearing of avian species would be an advantage.

The successful applicant will be educated to at least GCSE level, including English and a biological science, and hold the Diploma in the Management of Zoo and Aquarium Animals - DMZAA (previously known as ANCMZA) or equivalent. The ability to work within a team and having a general knowledge of the conservation and educational roles of zoos is also desirable.
A copy of the job description and person specification for this position are available from our web site .

To apply for this position please send a covering letter and full CV clearly marked ‘SBK Application’ to Sarah Eason, Payroll/HR Assistant, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3HA or email closing date for application is Monday 2nd July 2012, with interviews taking place on Tuesday 10th July

Please mention Zoo News Digest should you apply for this post

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