Deputy Head of Elephants
Colchester Zoo has a vacancy for Deputy Head of our Elephant section. Colchester Zoo has been involved with artificial insemination projects with its elephants and has had positive results from both assisted reproduction and natural conception. This is a continuing effort as part of the African elephant EEP.
The ideal candidate will have a minimum of three years proven experience working in both free contact and protected contact environments in a mixed herd situation and have achieved the ANC in the management of zoo animals or an equivalent qualification. The candidate should be familiar with all aspects of animal management and have a thorough understanding of animal husbandry training, using positive reinforcement techniques; have staff supervisory experience, being able to develop and support staff as needed; demonstrate competence in a demanding workplace and have good communication and reporting skills.
The successful applicant will be required to provide daily elephant encounters and educational demonstrations to the zoo guests so should have a friendly and outgoing personality and be able to engage confidently with guests on both a one to one basis and to a large audience. Please send your CV and covering letter to the Curator, Colchester Zoo Ltd., Maldon Road, Stanway, Colchester, Essex CO3 0SL
To Apply on line please click HERE
Closing date for applications: Sunday 8th April 2012

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