Chester Zoo is one of the leading zoological collections in Europe with a mission to be “a major force in conserving biodiversity world wide”. The zoo has an international reputation for its high standards of animal welfare, husbandry and conservation breeding and for its contribution to conservation, education and research. It is undergoing a major phase of redevelopment and expansion which makes this a particularly exciting time to join the team.
We are currently recruiting for a Veterinary Manager to run the zoo’s animal health care service. The post holder will be responsible for delivery of the clinical service together with two other veterinary surgeons, two veterinary nurses and a quarantine & records officer. In addition the Vet Manager will coordinate and develop clinical aspects of the zoo's research output (working alongside other zoo scientists including a nutritionist, endocrinologist and applied ethologist) and run our clinical residency programme.
We are seeking a strong team player and experienced zoo/wild animal clinician for this exciting role. The applicant will be expected to hold a relevant post graduate qualification to Masters level or above and have a proven track record in research. They must also hold or be eligible to hold membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (licence to practice in the UK).
The role is full time, 40 hours per week; with weekend duties shared amongst the vets.
For an application pack please ring the recruitment line 01244 389477 or send an email to
Closing date for applications is Monday 20th February with interviews anticipated to be held in the period 27th February – 9th March.
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