In Colorado, two anti-worker bills earlier this February:
- Senate Bill 12, by Sen. Bill Cadman, R-Colorado Springs, would have prohibited public entities from collectively bargaining with a labor union, or an employee association from acting as a bargaining agent for public employees.
- Senate Bill 38, by Sen. Shawn Mitchell, R-Broomfield, would have prohibited an employee organization from being officially recognized as the exclusive representative of state employees, barred the state from negotiating with an employee organization to create an employee partnership agreement, and terminated any existing partnership agreements.
At a time when workers’ rights are under attack around the country, many students have provided the spark for protest and fighting back. Students in Denver saw the direct impact these laws will have on them and their own livelihood, which inspired them to walk out.
Speakers at the rally came from different backgrounds and issues, but showed how our movement must unite as one in order to protect all rights. The speakers from the rally came from local radio stations, students who identify as LGBTQ, anti-war, immigrant rights, education reform, and labor. The theme of the speakers was shared struggle, shared identity, and how we must begin to view ourselves within our own communities: “We Are One”!