Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Find Seasonal Jobs with US Opportunities

A number of jobseekers come to America every year with H2B Jobs. While Americans find it difficult to get employed in their own country, H2B Visa holders from around the world find seasonal jobs and fill in the vacancies. Often, there is a dearth of qualified American workers in the state where the vacancy exists and enthusiastic individuals from other countries travel with H2B Visa to get recruited for the full season, i.e. for 4 to 10 months.

US Opportunities provide aspirants with seasonal jobs every season as businesses are in need of employees in various kinds of positions. Seasonal jobseekers get employed, earn money and have loads of fun in America. According to Mike Lombardi of US Opportunities, aspirants from any corner of the world can get hired in these lucrative seasonal jobs after a preliminary screening for job qualifications and English proficiency. US Opportunities is a renowned recruitment firm which is trusted by jobseekers as well as employers.
A database of eligible candidates enables US Opportunities to inform the qualified applicant as soon as an opportunity or a vacancy arises. The applicant signs a contract in which he agrees to fulfill all the job requirements and serve the entire period of commitment.

Mike Lombardi, the Director of US Opportunities says, “Employees from around the world add an international flair to your business.” Businesses are assisted in recruiting staff for the upcoming season and extending the H2B Visa of an already hired H2B Visa holder. Lombardi adds, “The H2B program offers employers many benefits, including personal service for you and your H2B Visa employees during the entire program. Unlike many competitors, our commitment to you and your employees goes well beyond simply acquiring the H2B visa.”

U.S. Opportunities is an independent recruitment firm providing customized, comprehensive, international human resource services to organizations in the United States. You can know more about us at