Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's Accountability Time

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee an organization that fights to elect bold progressive candidates to federal office is standing up to hold President Obama accountable to the promise he made during his campaign. The website launched a petition stating:

"President Obama, ARE YOU KIDDING? Democrats lost in 2010 because they caved instead of fighting on popular progressive issues. Americans strongly oppose more tax cuts for millionaires and nearly a trillion in new debt. If you don't fight on this issue, Democrats may lose even more seats in 2012 - and possibly even the White House."
The failure of the progressive left thus far has been our focus on only engaging and mobilizing during election season.

Our resources should be overwhelmingly spent on organizing to hold our representatives accountable between the elections. That is our responsibility, our right, and our duty as citizens and even more so as organized citizens. Any lack of real progress by elected officials is on us and our failure to do so. As the late Fred Ross said: "90 percent of organizing is follow-up."

Now that the elections are over...It's accountability time.

Posted by Russell Bannan