Saturday, May 8, 2010

Career Quest Programs

Suffolk County Department of Labor's Career Quest will be presenting 2 programs at the Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center in Hauppauge.

Manufacturing Technology Program
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:30AM
Representative Bettye Easley will discuss Suffolk County Community College’s Degree Manufacturing Technology Program. Areas covered by the Technology Program include Precision Metalwork, CNC Machining, CAD, CAM Computerized Machinery, Quality Control and Lean Manufacturing. Graduates of the SCCC program can seek employment as Machinists, Machine Control Operators, Manufacturing Operators and managers, Engineering-Design Team Members and Manufacturing Supervisors. Reservations Required. See any One Stop counselor, or phone (631) 853-6600 to reserve your spot.

Starting Your Own Business
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 9:30AM
Why not explore your dream of owning a small business? A representative from the New York State Small Business Development Center will discuss how to start your own business and become a small business owner. Plan to arrive early. Space is Limited. Must be pre-registered. Late arrivals not permitted. See a One-Stop counselor, or phone(631) 853-6600 to reserve your spot!