Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who Earns More Than The President? - 10 Jobs with better hourly pay

President Obama gets a nice little salary. Certainly some CEOs, entrepreneurs and movie stars are earning millions (and in some cases billions) of dollars, so he's by no means the richest person on the planet with his $400,000 annual salary. And he gets some pretty sweet perks -- a fancy plane, an amazing chef and one of the most famous addresses in the world.

But if you stop to think about all his job entails, he's never really off the clock. Although he and every president take vacations, they can't completely clock out as long as they're in office. Regardless of where they are, the Secret Service is monitoring their every move and they must respond to any crisis that arises. The only other job that requires you to be on call 24 hours a day without fail is that of a parent, and no one's paying you to do that, unfortunately.

We took Obama's salary (not including his perks) and divided it by the 8,765 hours in a year, to figure that he earns $45.63 per hour. Again, not too shabby, but considering what he has to put up with -- constant danger, huge responsibilities, graying hair, people throwing shoes -- it's a tough gig.

Here are 10 jobs that, while very important and demanding, probably don't have the same pressure as that of Obama, and they earn more than he does:

1. Computer and information systems managers are involved in technology administration for a company or organization. They work with leaders to ensure the company is meeting all goals and standards they have set for technology.
Hourly pay: $49.90

2. Dentists perform routine maintenance on your teeth and gums, ranging from preventative treatment to certain types of procedures. In other words, they allow you to smile with confidence.
Hourly pay: $66.54
3. General internists care for and treat adult patients for diseases or ailments relating to internal organs, such as heart or gastrointestinal issues.
Hourly pay: $55.61

4. Judges and magistrates preside over various legal and civil proceedings in order to assign awards or punishment based on the law.
Hourly pay: $59.95

5. Lawyers perform a wide range of legal duties, ranging from acting as counsel in a trial or working on behalf of organizations and corporate to ensure they are abiding by the proper laws.
Hourly pay: $54.35

6. Marketing managers coordinate the promotion and marketing of a product or service for a company. They are involved in all marketing aspects for the company, from the initial brainstorming to the execution of the plan.
Hourly pay: $51.26

7. Postsecondary business teachers teach business courses in college and universities. Their students are typically working toward an MBA, although they might be studying any number of fields.
Hourly pay: $60.92

8. Postsecondary physics teachers instruct postsecondary physics courses at universities and institutions and often perform research, as well.

Hourly pay: $57.76

9. Psychiatrists work with patients to diagnose and treat mental and behavioral disorders or conditions.
Hourly pay: $71.93

10. Securities, commodities and financial services sales agents sell stocks or bonds to investors in exchange for commission. They are in constant contact with customers to see what stocks or bonds might interest them and find out how they want to proceed.
Hourly pay: $53.54

By Anthony Balderrama writer and blogger for and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at

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