Sunday, January 17, 2010

7 Jobs for Associate Degrees

Associate degrees have suddenly landed on the radars of many people who hadn't given them much thought. Why? The economy, stupid.

Once the recession knocked us all on our backsides, we needed to find a new way to compete in this tough job market. Many people suddenly realized the importance of education when you're trying to stand out. Associate degrees became particularly attractive for several reasons:

· You can typically earn one in one to two years
· The shorter schooling period makes them more affordable
· They can land you a high-paying and in-demand job
· You can obtain one at community colleges, which are often more accessible than traditional universities for many people

If you're someone who thinks a boost in your education credentials could be the ticket to finding the right job, consider one of these professions. Keep in mind that some employers or states require a specific combination of a degree, experience and certification.

Here are seven jobs you can get with an associate degree, their average annual salaries and the amount of workers they're projected to add between 2008 and 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

1. Computer support specialists
Computer support specialists work in IT departments and respond to problems employees are experiencing with different technological equipment -- most often computers. They troubleshoot software and hardware issues. Depending on their specific role in an organization, they might work as technical support or as a help desk technician.
Projected growth 2008-2018*: 78,000
Salary**: $54,963

2. Dental assistants and hygienists
Dental assistants work under the supervision of dentists and perform tasks that prepare patients for the dentist exam or assist with procedures. They are allowed to perform certain tasks but should not be confused with dental hygienists, who perform more involved procedures and undergo separate training.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 105,600 (assistants) and 62,900 (hygienists)
Salary: $38,359 (assistants) and $69,907 (hygienists)
3. Engineering technicians
Engineering technicians address technical issues in a variety of engineering fields and they often assist engineers in the research and development of products.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 25,800
Salary: $52,753

4. Occupational therapist assistants and physical therapist assistants
Assistants follow the instructions of occupational and physical therapists to help their respective patients rehabilitate. They work with patients, record their progress and report a patient's progress to the therapist.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 7,900 (occupational therapist assistants) and 21,200 (physical therapist assistants)
Salary: $42,416

5. Paralegals
Paralegals research and gather information on legal documents, as well as other relevant materials that attorneys need for trials and other proceedings.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 74,100
Salary: $58,236

6. Radiation therapists
Radiation therapists administer radiation therapy to patients based on the instructions provided by the radiologist. They monitor patients' prescriptions and progress to ensure they are in line with what the radiologist prescribed.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 4,100
Salary: $70,512

7. Registered nurses
Registered nurses work in every health-care facility imaginable -- hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and countless others. They care for patients in a variety of ways, including administering medication as prescribed by a physician, monitoring their vital signs and assisting with other needs.
Projected growth 2008-2018: 581,500
Salary: $67,217

*Projected job growth figures based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
**Average annual salary figures based on data from, powered by

By Anthony Balderrama writer and blogger for and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at

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