Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 Books That Will Help Your Career

These days, many of you could use some good career advice. Whether you're unemployed, just out of college, looking to increase your paycheck or in need of résumé advice, the market is saturated with information. While we do our best to give you the most accurate information, we also know that there are several other experts out there with some great advice.

Of course, we're big fans of the books we've written ourselves, "Cube Monkeys: A Handbook for Surviving the Office Jungle," and "Career Building: Your Total Handbook for Finding a Job and Making It Work," both from the editors here at CareerBuilder. But, if you want to add more literature to your professional library, here are five other books to check out:

1. "Knock 'Em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide 2010," by Martin Yate, CPC
Topic: Job search
Why it helps: "Knock 'Em Dead" covers all the job-search basics and then some, whether you're looking for your first job, returning to the work force or you've just been laid off. KED 2010 is a series of parts, from building and customizing your résumé to effective networking tools and negotiating the best salary and benefits.
The best part: This latest edition to the series offers a new section, "Where the Jobs Are," which shows you what industries are showing the most growth.

2. "101 Toughest Interview Questions ... And Answers That Win the Job!" by Daniel Porot and Frances Bolles Haynes
Topic: Interviewing
Why it helps: Interviewing is the most stressful part of the job search. Thinking about what to ask, how to answer, what questions mean and what hiring managers want to hear are enough to drive one person crazy. This book is the secret to every interview you have from here on out. It features the toughest and most commonly asked questions, featured in a flashcard-like format, as well as several different possible responses, which you can tailor to your own experience.
The best part: It fits in your purse or bag, so you can freshen up on questions before the interview.

3. "Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck: A Conversation About Income, Income, Wealth, and the Steps in Between," by Michael B. Rubin
Topic: Salary
Why it helps: With 61 percent of workers living paycheck to paycheck, according to a CareerBuilder survey, it's about time for everyone to learn a few monetary lessons. "Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck" is a comprehensive book that will help anyone struggling to make ends meet. It runs the gamut from simple-saving strategies to taking advantage of your benefits to retirement planning.
The best part: It's easy to read and funny, neither of which are commonly used to describe a finance book.

4. "Am I the Only Sane One Working Here? 101 Solutions for Surviving Office Sanity," by Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D.
Topic: Workplace culture
Why it helps: One paragraph in the introduction sums up this book perfectly: "Each day, you try your best to get some work done, but the woman in the next cube is screeching at her kids on the phone, and the guy behind you keeps popping his head up to tell you what he saw on TV last night. Another staff meeting starts in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, you have 736 unread e-mails in your inbox, 700 of which have nothing to do with you. You stare blankly at your screen and wonder, 'Am I the only sane one working here?'" This book offers 101 types of people and situations you likely have or will encounter at work, and best way to respond to each one.
The best part: Each scenario stands alone and offers clear, concise explanations about what is going on and what you should think, do and say to survive.

5. "Strategies for Successful Career Change," by Martha E. Mangelsdorf
Topic: Changing careers
Why it helps: Today's economy has an increasing number of workers changing careers these days, whether they want to or not. In "Strategies," Mangelsdorf features dozens of in-depth interviews with real people who have successfully changed careers. The book gives you helpful information about finding a new career path, testing out a new job, pitfalls to avoid and steps to take, and how to do it all financially.
The best part: The real-person interviews are inspiring and show you that even though it's hard work, finding the right career can improve your happiness.

By Rachel Zupek writer and blogger for and its job blog, The Work Buzz. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow her on Twitter: